Relative resilience to noise of standard and sequential approaches to measurement-based quantum computation

C. B. Gallagher, A. Ferraro

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A possible alternative to the standard model of measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC) is offered by the sequential model of MBQC -- a particular class of quantum computation via ancillae. Although these two models are equivalent under ideal conditions, their relative resilience to noise in practical conditions is not yet known. We analyze this relationship for various noise models in the ancilla preparation and in the entangling-gate implementation. The comparison of the two models is performed utilizing both the gate infidelity and the diamond distance as figures of merit. Our results show that in the majority of instances the sequential model outperforms the standard one in regard to a universal set of operations for quantum computation. Further investigation is made into the performance of sequential MBQC in experimental scenarios, thus setting benchmarks for possible cavity-QED implementations.
Original languageEnglish
Article number052305
Number of pages10
JournalPhysical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics)
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 03 May 2018


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