Renal palliative care – where to after the PACKS study?

Helen Noble, Kevin Brazil, Aine Burns, Charles Normand, Paul Roderick, Colin Thompson, Alexander Maxwell, Magdi Yaqoob

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The PAlliative Care in chronic Kidney diSease study (PACKS study) is examining quality of life, decision making and decisional conflict, costs and mortality in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease who have opted for palliative care. It is also exploring the impact of the decision on the quality of life of carers. The study includes adult patients with end stage (stage 5) chronic kidney disease who have opted for palliative care, adult carers of these patients and renal physicians/clinical nurse specialists who have experience of treating patients with end stage chronic kidney disease who have opted for palliative care.
Early initial findings relate to clinician perspectives on patient decisional conflict, in making complex decisions between dialysis and conservative management. Interviews were conducted with nephrologists and clinical nurse specialists across 10 renal centres in the UK. Themes with associated subthemes include “Frequent changing of mind regarding treatment options,” “A paternalistic approach to decision-making and “Intricacy of the decision”. These findings will be presented and recommendations for future research and education made. Clinicians need to take a more patient centered approach to decision-making. Interventions aimed at increasing understanding of renal disease and its treatments may reduce decisional conflict and raise decisional quality but require testing in the renal specialty.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted - 01 Aug 2016
Event45th EDTNA/ERCA conference - Valencia, Spain
Duration: 18 Sept 201620 Sept 2016


Conference45th EDTNA/ERCA conference


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