Resistance of alkali activated slag concretes to chloride environments

Dali Bondar, Douglas Thompson, Sreejith Nanukuttan, Marios Soutsos, Muhammed Basheer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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ABSTRACT: Researchers are focusing their attention on alternative binder systems using 100% supplementary cementitious materials as it allows better control over the microstructure formation and low to moderate environmental footprint. One such system being considered is alkali activated slag concretes (AASC), made by adding alkalis such as sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate to ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Whilst they have a similar behaviour as that of traditional cement systems in terms of strength and structural behaviour, AASC are reported to exhibit superior performance in terms of abrasion,acid resistance and fire protection.
In this article, the authors investigate chloride ingress into different grades of AASC. The mix variables in AASC included water to binder, and binder to aggregate ratio, percentage of alkali and the SiO2/Na2O ratio (silica modulus, Ms). The first challenge was to develop mixes for different range of workability (with slump values from 40mm to 240mm) and reasonable early age and long term compressive strength. Further chloride ingress into those mixes were assessed and compared with the data from normal concretes based on literature. Findings show that compared to the PC concretes, the AAS concretes have lower rate of chloride ingress.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference, Galway, Ireland, 29-30 August 2016
EditorsJamie Goggins
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)978-0-9573957-2-5
Publication statusPublished - 29 Aug 2016
EventCivil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference 2016 - Engineering Building, NUI, Galway, Ireland
Duration: 29 Aug 201630 Aug 2016


ConferenceCivil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference 2016
Internet address

Bibliographical note

Proceedings of CERI 2016: Civil Engineering Research Ireland, Nanukuttan S. and Goggins J. (eds), National University of Ireland Galway


  • alkali activated slag concretes
  • cement less binders
  • workability optimisation
  • chloride environment
  • chloride resistance


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