Responding to crisis: When the telephone fails

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The world is changing. Advances in telecommunications have meant that the world is shrinking – data can be moved across continents in the time it takes to send an email or access the cloud. Although developments such as these highlight the extent of scientific and technological evolution, in terms of legal liability, questions must be asked as to the capacity of our legal structures to evolve accordingly.

This article looks at how emergency telephone provision and any shift to VoIP systems might fit with existing tort liability and associated duty implications. It does so by analysing the technology through the principles that signpost UK tort law. This article recognises that as an emerging area, the legal liability implications have not yet been discussed in any great detail. The aim of this article therefore is to introduce the area, encourage debate and consider the issues that may become increasingly relevant as these types of technologies become industrial standards.
Original languageEnglish
JournalWeb Journal of Current Legal Issues
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Bibliographical note

This piece arose out of a question asked by a member of staff on the shift from analogue to virtual phone provision. In thinking about the various issues that may arise in these circumstances, an article emerged. This article was submitted for peer review in March 2013. It is approximately 8000 words in length.


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