RIS-assisted cell-free massive MIMO relying on reflection pattern modulation

Zeping Sui, Hien Quoc Ngo, Trinh Van Chien, Michail Matthaiou, Lajos Hanzo

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We propose reflection pattern modulation-aided reconfigurable intelligent surface (RPM-RIS)-assisted cell-free massive multiple-input-multiple-output (CF-mMIMO) schemes for green uplink transmission. In our RPM-RIS-assisted CF-mMIMO system, extra information is conveyed by the indices of the active RIS blocks, exploiting the joint benefits of both RIS-assisted CF-mMIMO transmission and RPM. Since only part of the RIS blocks are active, our proposed architecture strikes a flexible energy vs. spectral efficiency (SE) trade-off. We commence with introducing the system model by considering spatially correlated channels. Moreover, we conceive a channel estimation scheme subject to the linear minimum mean-square error (MMSE) constraint, yielding sufficient information for the subsequent signal processing steps. Then, upon exploiting a so-called large-scale fading decoding (LSFD) scheme, the uplink signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) is derived based on the RIS ON/OFF statistics, where both maximum ratio (MR) and local minimum mean-square error (L-MMSE) combiners are considered. By invoking the MR combiner, the closed-form expression of the uplink SE is formulated based only on the channel statistics. Furthermore, we derive the total energy efficiency (EE) of our proposed RPM-RIS-assisted CF-mMIMO system. Additionally, we propose a chaotic sequence-based adaptive particle swarm optimization (CSA-PSO) algorithm to maximize the total EE by designing the RIS phase shifts. Specifically, the initial particle diversity is promoted by invoking chaotic sequences, and an adaptive time-varying inertia weight is developed to improve its particle search performance. Furthermore, the particle mutation and reset steps are appropriately selected to enable the algorithm to escape from local optima. Finally, our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed RPM-RIS-assisted CF-mMIMO architecture strikes an attractive SE vs. EE trade-off, while the CSA-PSO algorithm is capable of attaining a significant EE performance gain compared to conventional solutions.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
JournalIEEE Transactions on Communications
Early online date20 Aug 2024
Publication statusEarly online date - 20 Aug 2024

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