Secure Multiuser Multiple Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks in Presence of Multiple Eavesdroppers

L. Fan, X Lei, Trung Q. Duong, M. Elkashlan, G.K. Karagiannidis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

13 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, we study the information-theoretical security of a downlink multiuser cooperative relaying network with multiple intermediate amplify-and-forward (AF) relays, where there exist multiple eavesdroppers which can overhear the message. To prevent the wiretap and strength the network security, we select one best relay and user pair, so that the selected user can receive the message from the base station assisted by the selected relay. The relay and user selection is performed by maximizing the ratio of the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the user to the eavesdroppers, which is based on both the main and eavesdropper links. For the considered system, we derive the closed-form expression of the secrecy outage probability, and provide the asymptotic expression in high main-to-eavesdropper ratio (MER) region. From the asymptotic analysis, we can find that the system diversity order is equivalent to the number of relays regardless of the number of users and eavesdroppers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2014 IEEE
Place of PublicationAustin, TX
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2014
EventIEEE Global Communications Conference 2014 - TX, Austin, United States
Duration: 08 Dec 201412 Dec 2014


ConferenceIEEE Global Communications Conference 2014
Abbreviated titleGLOBECOM 2014
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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