Spectral Enhancement in the Double Pulse Regime of Laser Proton Acceleration

Keith Markey, P. McKenna, C.M. Brenner, D.C. Carroll, M.M. Gunther, K. Harres, Satyabrata Kar, K. Lancaster, F. Nurnberg, M.N. Quinn, A.P.L. Robinson, M. Roth, Matthew Zepf, D. Neely

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The use of two separate ultraintense laser pulses in laser-proton acceleration was compared to the single pulse case employing the same total laser energy. A double pulse profile, with the temporal separation of the pulses varied between 0.75-2.5 ps, was shown to result in an increased maximum proton energy and an increase in conversion efficiency to fast protons by up to a factor of 3.3. Particle-in-cell simulations indicate the existence of a two stage acceleration process. The second phase, induced by the main pulse preferentially accelerates slower protons located deeper in the plasma, in contrast to conventional target normal sheath acceleration.
Original languageEnglish
Article number195008
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 05 Nov 2010

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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