Status of the ELIMED multidisciplinary and medical beam-line at ELI-Beamlines

F. Romano, G. A.P. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, F. Schillaci, V. Scuderi, A. Amico, G. Candiano, S. Giordanengo, L. F. Guarachi, G. Korn, G. Larosa, R. Leanza, R. Manna, V. Marchese, F. Marchetto, D. Margarone, G. Milluzzo, G. Petringa, J. Pipek, R. SacchiA. Vignati

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

3 Citations (Scopus)
34 Downloads (Pure)


Nowadays, one of the biggest challenges consists in using high intensity laser-target interaction to generate high-energy ions for medical purposes, eventually replacing the old paradigm of acceleration characterized by huge and complex machines. In order to investigate the feasibility of using laser-driven ion beams for multidisciplinary application, a dedicated beam transport line will be installed at the ELI-Beamlines facility in Prague (CZ), as a part of the User-oriented ELIMAIA beam-line dedicated to ion acceleration and their potential applications. The beam-line section dedicated to transport and dosimetric endpoints is called ELIMED (ELI-Beamlines MEDical and multidisciplinary applications) and will be developed by the INFN-LNS.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationStatus of the ELIMED multidisciplinary and medical beam-line at ELI-Beamlines
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 03 Feb 2017
Externally publishedYes
EventMicro-Mini and Nano-Dosimetry and Innovative Technologies in Radiation Therapy, MMND and ITRO 2016 - Hobart, Australia
Duration: 26 Jan 201628 Jan 2016

Publication series

NameJournal of Physics: Conference Series
PublisherIOP Publishing Ltd.
ISSN (Print)1742-6588


ConferenceMicro-Mini and Nano-Dosimetry and Innovative Technologies in Radiation Therapy, MMND and ITRO 2016

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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