Student evaluation of teaching and the use of mid-module review

Karen Fraser, Jonathan Cole

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Being responsive to mid-module student feedback can both improve the student perception of the value placed on their feedback to staff and enhance the students' learning experience. By addressing common worries over assessment mode and assessment criteria and dealing with these worries promptly, the student can recognise that they have a voice and that staff do listen and act.

This session will look at a core maths module with 190 students which recently underwent a redesign of the module delivery. We identified four disparate groups of students and had others yet to be discovered. It was important that the students had an opportunity to voice their concerns and their support of the series of initiatives being implemented, early enough in the process that we could make changes. It also gave staff an opportunity to organise a range of extra support activities where needed.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2017
Event SEDA Spring Teaching Learning and Assessment Conference 2017: The quest for teaching excellence and learning gain: issues, resolutions and possibilities - Manchester, United Kingdom
Duration: 11 May 201712 May 2017


Conference SEDA Spring Teaching Learning and Assessment Conference 2017
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • mid-module review
  • student feedback
  • mathematics


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