Superposition Signaling in Broadcast Interference Networks

Quang Duong, Hoang Duong Tuan, Ho Huu Minh Tam, Ha H. Nguyen, H. Vincent Poor

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It is known that superposition signaling in Gaussian interference networks is capable of improving the achievable rate region. However, the problem of maximizing the rate gain offered by superposition signaling is computationally prohibitive, even in the simplest case of two-user single-input single-output interference networks. This paper examines superposition signaling for the general multiple-input multiple-output broadcast Gaussian interference networks. The problem of maximizing either the sum rate or the minimal user’s rate under superposition signaling and dirty paper coding is solved by a computationally efficient path-following procedure, which requires only a convex quadratic program for each iteration but ensures convergence at least to a locally optimal solution. Numerical results demonstrate the substantial performance advantage of the proposed approach.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4646-4654
JournalIEEE Transactions on Communications
Issue number11
Early online date24 Jul 2017
Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2017


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