"Sustainability is based on the faith we have towards the work that we are doing”: Within and at the borderlands of the academy

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Because of the very short time we have to present, I’d like to offer if I may some overall reflections, insights, observations about the problem of wrestling with changes to higher education, looking particularly at the meso-curriculum - that is, the conditions we create to form academics’ identities, their sense of purpose and voice within participation in higher education, and leading to that their responsibility for not only acknowledging privilege and power in relation to teaching and learning, and to hierarchical positions of status and power – but also their agency in shaping change within the university and its functions of social formation and knowledge formation.

I know there are other facets but for this talk I am focusing on the ugly truths, working from the perspective of those experiencing various forms of marginalisation within, but also those tasked with changing cultures and attitudes. The title comes from a participant of our study, an Indian academic. I offer four points about the ugly truth, and four possibilities for the faith to which he refers. And the images shown are all of university spaces across the world.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Feb 2020
EventTransformation for sustainability: Gender and its intersections within participation in higher education - Jadavpur Univeristy , Kolkata, India
Duration: 10 Feb 202011 Feb 2020


ConferenceTransformation for sustainability


  • higher education
  • sustainaibility
  • injustice
  • transformation
  • faith


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