Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts (TRICE)

Angel Chater, Gillian W. Shorter, Vivien Swanson, Atiya Kamal, Tracy Epton, Madelynne A Arden, Jo Hart, Lucie Byrne-Davis, John Drury, Ellie Whittaker, Lesley Lewis, Emily McBride, Paul Chadwick, Daryl O'Connor, Christopher J Armitage

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Citations (Scopus)
93 Downloads (Pure)


Background: Public health emergencies require rapid responses from experts. Differing viewpoints are common in science, however, “mixed messaging” of varied perspectives can undermine credibility of experts; reduce trust in guidance; and act as a barrier to changing public health behaviours. Collation of a unified voice for effective knowledge creation and translation can be challenging. This work aimed to create a method for rapid psychologically-informed expert guidance during the COVID-19 response. Method: TRICE (Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts) brings structure, peer-review and consensus to the rapid generation of expert advice. It was developed and trialled with 15 core members of the British Psychological Society COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce. Results: Using TRICE; we have produced 18 peer-reviewed COVID-19 guidance documents; based on rapid systematic reviews; co-created by experts in behavioural science and public health; taking 4–156 days to produce; with approximately 18 experts and a median of 7 drafts per output. We provide worked-examples and key considerations; including a shared ethos and theoretical/methodological framework; in this case; the Behaviour Change Wheel and COM-B. Conclusion: TRICE extends existing consensus methodologies and has supported public health collaboration; co-creation of guidance and translation of behavioural science to practice through explicit processes in generating expert advice for public health emergencies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number10255
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2021

Bibliographical note

Lead on consensus methodologies central to paper and message. Co-authored first draft with core authors, and subsequent drafts with full team.
Open Science - Yes


  • behavioural science
  • health psychology
  • consensus
  • COVID-19
  • rapid review
  • expert guidance


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  • PREPRINT Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts (TRICE)

    Chater, A., Shorter, G. W., Swanson, V., Kamal, A., Epton, T., Arden, M. A., Hart, J., Byrne-Davis, L., Drury, J., Whittaker, E., Lewis, L., McBride, E., Chadwick, P., O'Connor, D. & Armitage, C., 22 Jun 2021, 19 p.

    Research output: Working paper

    Open Access

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