The Baptist Hospital in Gaza. Current ruins for future archaeologists?

Mazen Iwaisi

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As a Palestinian archaeologist whose work is focused on the geopolitics of Palestinian archaeology practice and theory, I reflect in this provocation article on the current devastation of the Gaza Strip by Israel and how archaeology can be incorporated into Gaza’s current situation. Pertinent questions include the following: How should archaeologists treat the ruins of the Baptist Hospital or any ruins in Gaza? What should be done with all these ruins? When does democide become genocide? Is an ex situ analysis possible? Is there such a thing as archaeology without a place? What kind of ‘regime of truth’ does it establish? What ethical implications does this form of analysis have? What kind of accountability does it possess? In what ways does it shape our memories of events?

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
JournalArchaeological Dialogues
Early online date18 Nov 2024
Publication statusEarly online date - 18 Nov 2024


  • Baptist Hospital
  • Gaza
  • Current ruins


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