The need for co-product allocation in the life cycle assessment of agricultural systems—is “biophysical” allocation progress?

Stephen G. Mackenzie*, Ilkka Leinonen, Ilias Kyriazakis

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Purpose: Several new “biophysical” co-product allocation methodologies have been developed for LCA studies of agricultural systems based on proposed physical or causal relationships between inputs and outputs (i.e. co-products). These methodologies are thus meant to be preferable to established allocation methodologies such as economic allocation under the ISO 14044 standard. The aim here was to examine whether these methodologies really represent underlying physical relationships between the material and energy flows and the co-products in such systems, and hence are of value. 

Methods: Two key components of agricultural LCAs which involve co-product allocation were used to provide examples of the methodological challenges which arise from adopting biophysical allocation in agricultural LCA: (1) the crop production chain and (2) the multiple co-products produced by animals. The actual “causal” relationships in these two systems were illustrated, the energy flows within them detailed, and the existing biophysical allocation methods, as found in literature, were critically evaluated in the context of such relationships.

Results and discussion: The premise of many biophysical allocation methodologies has been to define relationships which describe how the energy input to agricultural systems is partitioned between co-products. However, we described why none of the functional outputs from animal or crop production can be considered independently from the rest on the basis of the inputs to the system. Using the example of manure in livestock systems, we also showed why biophysical allocation methodologies are still sensitive to whether a system output has economic value or not. This sensitivity is a longstanding criticism of economic allocation which is not resolved by adopting a biophysical approach.

Conclusions: The biophysical allocation methodologies for various aspects of agricultural systems proposed to date have not adequately explained how the physical parameters chosen in each case represent causal physical mechanisms in these systems. Allocation methodologies which are based on shared (but not causal) physical properties between co-products are not preferable to allocation based on non-physical properties within the ISO hierarchy on allocation methodologies and should not be presented as such.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)128-137
Number of pages10
JournalInternational Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Issue number2
Early online date14 Jul 2016
Publication statusPublished - 01 Feb 2017
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2016, The Author(s).


  • Agricultural LCA
  • Agricultural systems
  • Allocation methodology
  • Biophysical allocation
  • Co-product allocation
  • Livestock LCA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Environmental Science


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