Think infection? Think sepsis! - Revisiting sepsis awareness in the undergraduate nursing curriculum

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Early diagnosis and management of sepsis are crucial for successful treatment. Unfortunately it would appear that sepsis is still not being recognised soon enough and is considered a leading cause of avoidable death. International consensus in relation to the terminology around sepsis has recently changed. Based on this, various guidelines have been issued highlighting the changes and emphasises that all healthcare staff, including students are given regular and appropriate training in identifying, assessing and managing sepsis. Given that nurses are the main healthcare professionals to carry out observations, it is essential to realise the important role that nurses have in recognising sepsis. However the literature has indicated that nurses’ knowledge of sepsis and recognition of the signs has not always been adequate. Therefore, an educational initiative was revisited that reflected recent changes and specifically focused on nursing students’ role in the recognition and treatment of patients with sepsis. A sepsis workshop was developed and introduced earlier than previously in the curriculum and provided students with an opportunity to work through a real life case scenario that focused on early recognition of sepsis, recommendations of care and monitoring for further deterioration. Evaluations highlighted that students considered that they felt the workshop broadened their awareness of sepsis and reemphasised the importance of essential nursing duties such as carrying out and interpreting observations and calling for help early. It also highlighted areas that require further reinforcement in the students’ final year.

Given that sepsis remains a global, life-threatening condition, it is important that nurses throughout Europe and beyond share educational initiatives in the drive to increase awareness amongst the nurses of the future.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Feb 2017
EventEuropean Federation of Critical Care Nurses Association Congress 2017 - Waterfront Hall , Belfast, United Kingdom
Duration: 15 Feb 201718 Feb 2017


ConferenceEuropean Federation of Critical Care Nurses Association Congress 2017
Abbreviated titleEfCCNa 2017
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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