Ultra-fast processing of gigapixel Tissue MicroArray images using high performance computing.

Yinhai Wang, David McCleary, Ching-Wei Wang, Paul Kelly, Jacqueline James, Dean A. Fennell, Peter Hamilton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


tissue MicroArrays (TMAs) are a valuable platform for tissue based translational research and the discovery of tissue biomarkers. The digitised TMA slides or TMA Virtual Slides, are ultra-large digital images, and can contain several hundred samples. The processing of such slides is time-consuming, bottlenecking a potentially high throughput platform.
a High Performance Computing (HPC) platform for the rapid analysis of TMA virtual slides is presented in this study. Using an HP high performance cluster and a centralised dynamic load balancing approach, the simultaneous analysis of multiple tissue-cores were established. This was evaluated on Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer TMAs for complex analysis of tissue pattern and immunohistochemical positivity.
the automated processing of a single TMA virtual slide containing 230 patient samples can be significantly speeded up by a factor of circa 22, bringing the analysis time to one minute. Over 90 TMAs could also be analysed simultaneously, speeding up multiplex biomarker experiments enormously.
the methodologies developed in this paper provide for the first time a genuine high throughput analysis platform for TMA biomarker discovery that will significantly enhance the reliability and speed for biomarker research. This will have widespread implications in translational tissue based research.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)495-507
JournalCellular Oncology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2011

Bibliographical note

Originally published incorrectly in Analytical Cellular Pathology 2010 33(4-5), pp:271-275

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Cancer Research
  • Cell Biology
  • Molecular Medicine
  • General Medicine
  • Pathology and Forensic Medicine


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