Unconditional Wigner-negative mechanical entanglement with linear-and-quadratic optomechanical interactions

Peter McConnell, Oussama Houhou, Matteo Brunelli, Alessandro Ferraro

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The generation of entangled states that display negative values of the Wigner function in the quantum phase space is a challenging task, particularly elusive for massive, and possibly macroscopic, systems such as mechanical resonators. In this work, we propose two schemes based on reservoir engineering for generating Wigner-negative entangled states unconditionally. We consider two noninteracting mechanical resonators that are radiation-pressure coupled to either one or two common cavity fields; the optomechanical coupling with the field(s) features both a linear and quadratic part in the mechanical displacement and the cavity is driven at multiple frequencies. We show analytically that both schemes stabilize a Wigner-negative entangled state that combines the entanglement of a two-mode squeezed vacuum with a cubic nonlinearity, which we dub cubic-phase entangled (CPE) state. We then perform extensive numerical simulations to test the robustness of Wigner-negative entanglement attained by approximate CPE states stabilized in the presence of thermal decoherence.
Original languageEnglish
Article number033508
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 07 Mar 2024


  • Unconditional Wigner-negative mechanical entanglement
  • linear-and-quadratic optomechanical interactions
  • mechanical entanglement
  • optomechanical interactions


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