User Centred Design of a Smartphone-based Cognitive Fatigue Assessment Application

Edward Price, George Moore, Leo Galway, Mark Linden

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

4 Citations (Scopus)


This paper presents the user experience design approach taken for a mobile cognitive assessment tool. Taking a multidisciplinary approach with user centred assessment and feedback, the design of this tool was tailored to provide a usable and intuitive user experience. Key to user participation is ease of use and minimal time on task for participant engagement. To address this selected measures were carefully considered as to make the testing process simple and easy to engage with. Following a pre-validated, iterative design approach, an acceptable and engaging user experience was designed while retaining the ability to measure multiple aspects of a user's condition and environment. Accurate assessment of cognitive fatigue requires a wide range of environmental user data in order to understand the participant's current cognitive fatigue levels, therefore measures of physical, cognitive, social and emotional aspects were included within the application.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication14th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, MoMM 2016: Proceedings
EditorsBessam Abdulrazak, Matthias Steinbauer, Ismail Khalil, Eric Pardede, Gabriele Anderst-Kotsis
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9781450348065
Publication statusPublished - 28 Nov 2016
Event14th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, MoMM 2016 - Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 28 Nov 201630 Nov 2016

Publication series

NameACM International Conference Proceeding Series


Conference14th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, MoMM 2016


  • Application design
  • Cognitive fatigue
  • Cognitive tests
  • Facial features
  • Fatigue
  • Mental arithmetic
  • Mobile
  • Reaction
  • Smartphone
  • Spatial span

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Software
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
  • Computer Networks and Communications


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