Using Instrumented Vehicles to Detect Damage in Bridges

Eugene J. OBrien, Jennifer Keenahan, Patrick McGetrick, Arturo González

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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    This paper describes a ‘drive-by’ method of bridge inspection using an instrumented vehicle. Accelerometers on the vehicle are proposed as a means of detecting damage on the bridge in the time it takes for the vehicle to cross the bridge at full highway speed. For a perfectly smooth road profile, the method is shown to be feasible. Changes in bridge damping, which is an indicator of damage, are clearly visible in the acceleration signal of a quarter-car vehicle on a smooth road surface modelled using MatLab. When road profile is considered, the influence of changes in bridge damping on the vehicle acceleration signal is much less clear. However, when a half-car model is used on a road with a rough profile, it is again possible to detect changes in bridge damping, provided the vehicle has two identical axles.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Bridge & Concrete Research in Ireland Conference (BCRI2012)
    EditorsA.J. O'Connor, C.C. Caprani
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2012
    EventBridge & Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI2012) - Dublin, Ireland
    Duration: 06 Sept 201207 Sept 2012


    ConferenceBridge & Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI2012)


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