Utilising te Tiriti o Waitangi to approach health intervention development and research: pharmacist-facilitated medicines review interventions for Māori older adults

Joanna Hikaka*, Rhys Jones, Carmel Hughes, Martin J. Connolly, Nataly Martini

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INTRODUCTION: te Tiriti o Waitangi guarantees Māori the right to: self-determination, equitable health outcomes, be well informed, health care options, including kaupapa Māori and culturally safe mainstream services, and partnership in the health care journey. Despite integration of these principles into policy, there remains a lack of application in health service development, and health inequities remain. 

AIM: We aimed to use te Tiriti o Waitangi to structure the development of a culturally safe health intervention, using as an exemplar pharmacist-facilitated medicines review for Māori older adults. 

METHODS: Previous research undertaken by our group (a systematic review, and interviews with stakeholders including Māori older adults) was used to inform the aspects to include in the intervention. Kaupapa Māori theory was used to underpin the approach. Intended outcomes, requirements for change, and outcome measures to assess change were mapped to te Tiriti o Waitangi principles as a way to structure the pharmacist-facilitated medicines review intervention and research processes. 

RESULTS: Findings from our previous research identified 12 intended intervention outcomes, including that the intervention be flexible to adapt to diverse needs in a way that is acceptable and culturally safe for Māori and that it supports Māori older adults to control and have confidence in their medicine treatment and wellbeing. 

DISCUSSION: We present an approach to the development of a pharmacist-facilitated medicines review intervention for Māori older adults, structured around the principles of te Tiriti o Waitangi, to support the implementation of a culturally safe, pro-equity intervention.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)124-131
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Primary Health Care
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jun 2021


  • Māori health; pharmacist; Indigenous health; older adults; health service research; health equity

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health


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