Verification of a novel material model to predict damage in composite structures

Louis N. S Chiu, Brian G. Falzon, Romain Boman, Bernard Chen, Wenyi Yan

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


An intralaminar damage model (IDM), based on continuum damage mechanics, was developed for the simulation of composite structures subjected to damaging loads. This model can capture the complex intralaminar damage mechanisms, accounting for mode interactions, and delaminations. Its development is driven by a requirement for reliable crush simulations to design composite structures with a high specific energy absorption. This IDM was implemented as a user subroutine within the commercial finite element package, Abaqus/Explicit[1]. In this paper, the validation of the IDM is presented using two test cases. Firstly, the IDM is benchmarked against published data for a blunt notched specimen under uniaxial tensile loading, comparing the failure strength as well as showing the damage. Secondly, the crush response of a set of tulip-triggered composite cylinders was obtained experimentally. The crush loading and the associated energy of the specimen is compared with the FE model prediction. These test cases show that the developed IDM is able to capture the structural response with satisfactory accuracy
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2013
EventInternational Conference on Structural Integrity and Fracture (SIF 2013) - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 11 Jul 201312 Jul 2013


ConferenceInternational Conference on Structural Integrity and Fracture (SIF 2013)


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