Virtual Impedance Impact on Inverter Control Topologies

Walid Issa, Ahmad Elkhateb

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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The different nature of the energy resources requires high reliable power inverters to supply regulated power to the end customer and to ease its integration within the microgrid. In this paper, modeling, design and control of inverters are presented for two different topologies. The study addresses the feasibility of the single loop and double loop control of inverters. The bode plot technique is used to analyze the system behavior when the inductor and the capacitor currents are used as feedback signals. The different output impedance natures affect the power sharing between inverters and stability. Therefore, a proposed virtual impedance is implemented to enhance the control performance. Simulation results are presented to show the validity of the control strategy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication7the International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2018)
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Pages1423 - 1428
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-5386-5982-3
Publication statusPublished - 10 Dec 2018
Event7the International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2018) - France, Paris, France
Duration: 14 Oct 201817 Oct 2018

Publication series

ISSN (Print)2572-6013


Conference7the International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2018)
Internet address


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