What successful freelancers do differently

Benjamin Laker, Lebene Soga, Yemisi Bolade-Ogunfodun, Ashish Malik

Research output: Other contribution


Hiring managers are increasingly using freelancers to augment their workforce. But what does it take to succeed in this sector? How can new workers take advantage of the many benefits this path offers, including better work-life balance, flexibility, and more time with family?

Know your worth: When freelancing, you can decide when to work, where to work, and your rates — or, essentially, how much you’re worth. One way to do this is to find your niche, become an expert in it, and then communicate your value, clearly and concisely.

Build loyalty: While you might have to do extra work to get the client, you also have to work to keep them coming back. Repeat work is often considered a goldmine for freelancers because it leads to both consistency and referrals.

Be adventurous: You can shape the job around your passions and your lifestyle, but staying too comfortable can also limit your ultimate potential. Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid to promote yourself and what you have to offer using social media.

Hunt in packs: Be bold about approaching other freelancers with a proposal to take on projects together. Research shows that freelancers who teamed up got repeat jobs from the same client.

Original languageEnglish
TypeHBR Ascend blog
Media of outputwebsite
Publication statusPublished - 06 Oct 2021
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameHBR Ascend
PublisherHarvard Business Review Press


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