Young Men and Domestic Abuse

David Gadd, Claire L Fox, Mary-Louise Corr, Steph Alger, Ian Butler

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Surveys reveal that domestic abuse is more commonplace among teenagers and young adults than older populations, yet surprisingly little is written about young men’s involvement in it. Reporting on a three-year study based in the UK, this book explores young men’s involvement in domestic abuse, whether as victims, perpetrators or witnesses to violent behaviors between adults. Original survey data, focus group material and in-depth biographical interviews are used to make the case for a more thoroughgoing engagement with the meanings young men come to attribute to violent behavior, include the tendency among many to configure violence within families as "fights" that call for acts of male heroism. The book also highlights the dearth of services interventions for young men prone to domestic abuse, and the challenges of developing responsive practice in this area. Each section of the book highlights further online resources that those looking to conduct research in this area or apply its insights in practice can draw upon.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationNew York
    Number of pages196
    ISBN (Print)9780415722117
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • Domestic Abuse
    • Violence
    • Prevention
    • Relationships


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