Young People and PEACE: A Conflict Transformation Positioned Exploration of EU PEACE Programme Youth Programming in Northern Ireland and the Irish Border Region

Olivia Brabazon

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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Since 1995, Northern Ireland and Irish Border Counties have received over €2billion of EU PEACE Programme funding. Focusing particularly on PEACE IV, this research explores PEACE Programme youth programming through a lens of conflict transformation. Three questions are posited: do PEACE Programme designs indicate a desire to engage young people in conflict transformation? What conflict transformation outcomes and processes result from PEACE IV youth programming? Does such programming contribute to wider conflict transformation in the region? Two research methods were undertaken: semi-structured interviews, analysed thematically, with actors managing and delivering PEACE funding or funded projects, and qualitative content analysis of documents. Whilst significant PEACE funding has supported youth programmes, little research has evaluated this important peacebuilding dimension. Additionally, as research positions young people as both potential agents of peace and of continued conflict in societies emerging from conflict, initiatives engaging young people in building peace are a wellspring for research.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2021
EventCanadian Peace Research Association: 2021 Conference -
Duration: 01 Jun 202104 Jun 2021


ConferenceCanadian Peace Research Association


  • Youth
  • Conflict Transformation
  • Northern Ireland
  • Irish Border
  • Ireland
  • Young People
  • peace building
  • Youth Work


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