CMT-based translator competence training and suggested curriculum in China

  • Jie Wang

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Current translation training research in China has paid relatively little attention to trainees as potential professional translators who need to apply the range of current translation theories and concepts to practical translation assignments. This thesis focuses on the application and interrelationships of translation theories and pedagogical issues, and aims to provide empirically an in-depth understanding of the translator competences required by the European Masters in Translation model, and a proposed counterpart model in China. This proposed Chinese Masters in Translation model seeks to embed ethics-awareness competence and hermeneutics competence to train translators as more responsible and aware individuals. Taking into account rapid technological developments in the translation field, this thesis redefines Chinese translators' roles and their status, social-economically, professionally, legally and culturally, and re-examines issues standardisation that can help to recognise and enhance the quality of translation service and translators' current status, in order to enhance professionalisation and to mitigate against the ever present risk of de-professionalisation in the Chinese translation industry. The thesis implements the analysis of training documents and curriculum designs relating to European and Chinese translation courses through qualitative and quantitative research methods. Findings reveal that translation training in China is characterised by inconsistent and, at times, incoherent course content, a lack of pedagogical planning, and lack of access to suitable practical and professional training. In response to these unfavourable findings, it is proposed that the basis for a new curriculum should be based on competence-based training, be market-oriented to the Chinese context, and future proof the profession by fully acknowledging the impact of the new technologies. It is hoped that the study will have implications for translator training and curriculum development practices, particularly within China at a time of burgeoning commercial and cultural activity, and international engagement.

Thesis embargoed until 31 July 2027.
Date of AwardJul 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Queen's University Belfast
SupervisorDavid Johnston (Supervisor)


  • Translator training in China
  • translator competence
  • professionalism
  • hermeneutics
  • technology

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