Exploring the accessibility of Educational Psychology (EP) written feedback for parents/ carers

  • Megan R Douglas

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctorate in Educational, Child and Adolescent Psychology


This study explores the accessibility of Educational Psychology (EP) written feedback for parents/ carers. The effect of presentation style on parental accuracy and perception was studied through a sequential mixed-methods design. How parents experience and make sense of EP written feedback was also explored.

229 participants completed an online multiple choice questionnaire testing accuracy, based on four versions of written feedback, with language and/ or visuals manipulated. The simplification of language and/ or inclusion of visuals did not increase accuracy but were significant positive predictors for perceived understanding, usefulness, and enjoyment. Template coding was applied to 79 qualitative statements. Themes included: the positive influence of visuals and simplified language on the tone of text and, the effect of language familiarity on perceived confidence. Eight participants engaged in two focus groups. A Discursive Psychology analysis proposed a construction of internal conflict for parents. EP written feedback is perceived as both functional and challenging. A social justice lens framed the conflicting feelings parents experience when making sense of EP feedback. Additional considerations include parents’ role in sharing information and how children access and make sense of EP written feedback.

Findings were synthesised into a multi-theoretical model of accessibility, empowering parents to achieve a critical literacy level (adapted from Nutbeam, 2000). Implications for practice suggest the importance of a within text, within person and within context perspective when planning the content of written feedback for children, young people and families.

Thesis is embargoed until 31 December 2025.
Date of Award30 Jul 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Queen's University Belfast
SponsorsEducation Authority Northern Ireland
SupervisorEnda Cunningham (Supervisor)


  • edcuational psychology
  • parents
  • carers
  • reports
  • assessment
  • accessibility

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