Identification and functional evaluation of a novel peptide QUB 2537, isolated from the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa burmeisteri

  • Jing Xiao

Student thesis: Masters ThesisMaster of Philosophy


Since the discovery of penicillin, bacterial infection is no longer an incurable disease. With theemergence of bacterial resistance, the varieties of antibiotics are greatly reduced, resulting inincreased difficulty in clinical treatment. Therefore, new antibiotic candidates are urgent todiscover and apply in clinical treatment. This study aims to identify a novel antimicrobial peptideform the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa burmeisteri to evaluate its bioactivities and toxicity. Inorder to obtain the cDNA sequence, the “shot gun” cloning method was utilized. After that, thepeptide was chemically synthesised followed by cleavage and purification. Also, biologicalactivity testing was then carried out. Additionally, the characteristics of QUB 2537 which is fromthe Dermaseptin family were predicted and designed as a truncated analogue. To assess thebiological activity of peptides, antimicrobial, anticancer, and haemolysis experiments werecarried out. It showed that QUB 2537 may suppress the growth of the three testedmicroorganisms at concentrations from 2~64 μM and yet only caused less than 50% haemolysisat 512 μM. In addition, it inhibited the proliferation of human lung cancer cell line H838 at 10-4M. Based on its antimicrobial activity, it has the potential to become a substitute for antibiotics.

Thesis embargoed until 31st December 2028
Date of AwardDec 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Queen's University Belfast
SupervisorMei Zhou (Supervisor) & Tianbao Chen (Supervisor)

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