Oral health promotion and disease prevention in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

  • Khawla Belhoul

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Improving oral health is a key public health goal in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). However, the impact of oral health promotion and disease prevention programs remains unclear due to the lack of standardized national studies across all emirates.

Aims and Objective
This thesis addresses this gap through mixed methodologies, including qualitative and quantitative studies. The quantitative study evaluated dental caries prevalence among public school students in grades 1, 7, and 10 in the UAE. The qualitative study explored dentists’ awareness and perspectives on oral health promotion and prevention programs and their community impact.

Materials and Methods
The quantitative study analyzed data from a national oral health screening program conducted by the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) between 2015 and 2019. For the qualitative study, semi-structured online interviews were conducted with three groups of dentists: those in managerial roles, specialists/consultants, and general dental practitioners (GDPs) at MOHAP, Dubai Health Authority (DHA), and Abu Dhabi Healthcare Company (SEHA). Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using thematic methods.

In the quantitative study, 133,531 students were screened, revealing a high dental caries prevalence (60.9%) that declined over time. Dubai had the lowest prevalence (55.2%), while Fujairah had the highest (75%). Grade 1 students recorded the highest prevalence (73.9%), followed by Grade 10 (60%) and Grade 7 (57.7%).The qualitative study identified three major themes: awareness and engagement with prevention programs, oral health policies, and research, along with two minor themes: patient engagement and program challenges. Variations in program implementation were observed among MOHAP, DHA, and SEHA.

This thesis highlights the high dental caries prevalence in the UAE and the challenges posed by inconsistent oral health programs. It calls for standardized practices across all emirates to improve outcomes.

Thesis is embargoed until 31st December 2025.

Date of AwardDec 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Queen's University Belfast
SponsorsMohammed Bin Rashid University Of Medicine and Health Sciences
SupervisorMichael Donnelly (Supervisor), Anthony Passmore (Supervisor), Gerry McKenna (Supervisor), Momen Atieh (Supervisor) & Tom Loney (Supervisor)


  • oral health
  • caries
  • UAE
  • health system
  • prevention

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