Working with children and young people from minority cultural and linguistic communities in Northern Ireland – an explorative study of educational psychologists’ experience

  • Lena Andrae

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctorate in Educational, Child and Adolescent Psychology


The current study explores the lived experience of educational psychologists (EPs) working with minority culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) children and young people (CYP) in Northern Ireland. Using a mixed methods design, this research involved an online survey (n = 33) and semi structured interviews (n = 4). Quantitative results highlighted that, according to EP report, during their initial training EPs only received limited specific classes regarding the work with CLD CYP. Within their current practice, EPs describe relatively low levels of confidence in the work with CLD CYP and regarding their level cultural competence within work. Educational psychologists feel like they use their knowledge regarding CLD populations often or not at all, which can be assumed to be impacted by their exposure to CLD CYP and their families. Qualitative results underline a common level of understanding and awareness of EPs regarding their levels of knowledge, confidence, and competence in their work with CLD CYP. Reflexive thematic analysis developed key themes that highlight an awareness of knowledge gaps, a need for guidance and resource, the necessity of humility regarding conscious incompetence, and time pressures impacting aspects of current practise. Implications for the individual EP and educational psychology services are described. Suggestions for future research as well as strengths and limitations of this study are discussed.
Date of AwardDec 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Queen's University Belfast
SupervisorHassan Regan (Supervisor), Stephanie Burns (Supervisor) & Teresa Rushe (Supervisor)


  • Educational psychol*
  • minority
  • ethnic*
  • cultur*
  • EAL

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